25 июля 2021, 10:36
Просмотров: 3353
Жизнь — это непрестанная борьба, в которой каждый борется своим оружием. Умный — своим умом, сильный — силой, подлый — подлостью и т. д.
Виталий Ампилогов

Есть тип людей - он, пользуясь умом,
Не брезгует ни силой и ни подлостью.
Когда же он ещё и вооружён,
То убивает, улыбаясь, с лёгкостью.
Ему плевать на дружбу, договоры,
С ним рука об руку идут по жизни воры.
В эпоху нашу, наше с вами время,
Растёт и множится злодейское их племя.
Сообщество о "подвигах" их знает
И озабоченность публично проявляет,
Забыв не вдруг, что им на всё плевать,-
(Они смеются, продолжая убивать).
Сегодня общество путь выбрало один,
Его озвучил в притче Насредин:
"Иль падишах умрёт, или ишак",
А кто здесь кто, сам выбирает всяк.

FPlusProxy4g : proxy creation from dcom software free Download
Create proxy4g from dcom plugged into computer
Dcom type HUAWEI E3372 Hilink(*), HUAWEI E3276 4G Hilink, HUAWEI E3531 Hilink, JAZZ
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What is a 4G proxy?
- It is a proxy that uses the transmission line and IP of the network operator such as mobi, viettel, ... ... Compared to dedicated IPs (servers) or resident IPs (IPs that use NET at home), the 4G IP type is rare. much more so it has a higher trust level.
- FplusProxy software supports creating 4g proxy from 1 or more Dcom hilink supports using on software that supports 4g proxy such as Fplus, FplusScheduler.
- Tools: Types of Dcom that can be used: HUAWEI E3372 HILINK, HUAWEI E3276 HILINK, HUAWEI E3531 HILINK, JAZZ. Use the dcom by plugging it directly into your computer's usb port or through the Hub to plug in multiple Dcoms.
- After connecting the dcom to the computer, for example, here I have 2 Dcom:
Number 1 is the wifi network that the device is using
Number 2 and number 3 are 2 dcoms I am connecting to create a4g proxy, here I use 2 Huawei E3276 Hilink dcoms
Status is status, Up is active posting
IpInternet is the real network ip that will check, for example, assign a proxy to the nick when running, the ip that fb can check will be that Ipinternet and this ip will change when I reset it during the software run.
- Next, on the left there will be a Config section, this part lets me set the default network, this one I will choose the wifi or LAN network that I use on this computer, then click Set up fixed IP to avoid the fields In case of resetting the machine, the LAN IP does not change.
- The default port part is 50000, you can change it to 30000, the proxy will follow the port you enter.
- Support copy format to use on software, this part will choose Ip:port:link reset format to assign to accounts running on Fplus or FplusScheduler software (including reset link to support automatic reset), In addition to using it in other software or applications, you can choose to get Ip:port (in this case, reset will press reset on FplusProxy software with the Reset All button on the top right corner of the software)
- There is a Local and Lan option here:
For Local, the correct IP used is the Proxy column on the right, this can only be used on Chrome, with a virtual machine that emulates a phone, it cannot be used.
As for Lan mode, it supports using Chrome, using virtual machines and sharing to other computers that share the same LAN with the computer using FplusProxy to use.
- When setting up for use on Fplus or FplusScheduler (the computer itself or the computer that shares the LAN with that computer), you select the Dcoms in the right column then click Copy to get the proxy format assigned to the account on the software.
- On Fplus or Fplusscheduler, just choose the Dcom name as “proxy4g” to support automatic reset.
Thx u

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